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Watch live Christian television shows using the media player above!  You'll find national programs you love, plus Cornerstone TV originals.  Hope Happens Here on Cornerstone Television!  Streaming 24/7.  Welcome Home!


Learn more about our new weekday program, Unscripted Faith, here:

Ways to Watch
Cornerstone Network



Comcast Xfinity 805, Verizon Fios 505, DirecTV 40, Dish 40, Antenna 40.

East End & Southside of Pittsburgh: Channel 40
Northside of Pittsburgh: Channel 12.

Ways to Watch Cornerstone on COMCAST in nearby areas (outside of Pittsburgh):
Greensburg: Channel 11
Canonsburg: Channel 5
Washington: Channel 5
Morgantown, WV: Channel 16

Stream Live Online 24/7 at
Roku Users: Add "Cornerstone Television"

Our local Pittsburgh Faith & Family Channel can be watched at Comcast Xfinity 1185, Verizon Fios 472, Armstrong 95, and Atlantic Broadband 119.

Roku Users: Add "Cornerstone Television" (Now you can watch both of our channels through one app!)

Fire TV (NEW!): Add Cornerstone Television Network

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Cornerstone Television is now available through your Roku streaming device!
You can watch Cornerstone Television LIVE, along with the Pittsburgh Faith & Family Channel, all on the same app! Spread the news and be sure to add "Cornerstone Television Network" on Roku today!

With Your Best Gift

When you give this month, let us send you "How to Read the Bible" By Michael Youssef. There has never been any other book like the Bible. Comprising sixty six books by at least forty human authors writing over a span of sixteen hundred years. Open up God's Word as Dr. Michael Youssef explains how to make the most sense of it, and why you should read the Bible as if your life depends on it - because it does. Request your copy as a Thank You when you give today!

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