Pitt Walk for Jesus
Pittsburgh Walk For Jesus is an active gathering of what Jesus has already begun in our great city: revival. We invite YOU to be a part of this! Kingdom Movement that is focused on mobilizing the next generation for Jesus Christ in the city of Pittsburgh! The walk will consist of live worship, message, prayer,…
National Day of Prayer 2023 @ Market Square
Today (Thursday, May 4) is the National Day of Prayer across the United States, and our friends from "Pittsburgh Prays" will be in prayer at Market Square, downtown Pittsburgh -- 10am until 2pm. If you're in the Pittsburgh area, you are welcome to join us! And if not, please take a moment to pray right…
National Day of Prayer
Join us for snacks, worship, and prayer on this special day. Monroeville Community Park, 2399 Tilbrook Rd. Pavilion #4, Monroeville, PA 15146 For more info: 512-551-7939.
3v3 Basketball Tournament
Antioch Baptist Church will be hosting a 3 vs. 3 basketball tournament on Saturday, May 20th, at 12:30 p.m. at Brooks Elementary School, 1720 Hassam Road, Coraopolis, PA. All are welcome! The tournament is for ages 8–11, 12–14, 15–17, and 18 and up. The team registration fee is $5, the cost per player is…
Mothers Day Dinner
HONORING AND RESTORING MOTHERS WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED LOSS AND GRIEF East End Community Health Center, 745 North Negley Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Register at: shiftnationmothersday.eventbrite.com Free Admission
Looking for a men's conference? ManUp helps maximize your impact in your home, neighborhood, and city. It's time to be challenged to be the best godly leader you can be and raise awareness of the devastating impact of fatherlessness among youth today. Join us for an unforgettable day of inspiration, worship, and transformation. Get yourself…
Men’s Power Summit
Join the Men’s Power Summit - June 24th @9am at The August Wilson Center. Enjoy a special time of Prayer/Praise/Worship/Fellowship/Word! Featured speakers include Dr. Asa Lee of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Pastor Michael Smith of Destiny International Ministries. No admission fee. Continental breakfast included. RSVP to Gary White @ 412-439-0434 or gwhite@fogo.com.
Presence 2023 Conference
Don't miss this year's "Presence 2023" Conference at Covenant Church of Pittsburgh! Featuring Joseph Garlington, Samuel Rodriguez, Bill Themelaras, Becca Greenwood, Dr. Tumi, William McDowell, Kevin Wallace, Nicole Binion, and Chris Durso. Covenant Church of Pittsburgh, 2110 Andrews Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Learn more at https://ccop.churchcenter.com/pages/presence-info
Spiritual Awakening 2023
Come and join The Well Corporation of PA for the first annual Spiritual Awakening 2023 — a day of worship and fellowship featuring guest speakers, worship teams, baptisms, prayer, and more. WHEN: July 15th, 2023 TIME: 10AM - 4PM WHERE: Keystone State Park, 1150 Keystone Park Road Derry, PA 15627 Pavilion #2 COST: FREE! We…
Sidewalk Prophets Concert
Harvest Church, 143 Reed Rd, Kittanning, PA 16201 Learn more at https://sidewalkprophets.com/pages/tour
One Purpose: Journey to Revival
Exciting Free Community Event spending the day together for ~One Purpose ~Worshiping Jesus! The morning will start with a prayer walk around Freeport Park. If you are unable to walk the park, prayer time will also be held inside Laube Hall. The next part of the Journey will be filled with inspirational music from worship…