Thank you for submitting your prayer request!
Our prayer partners will be lifting your needs before the Lord. If you need additional encouragement or prayer, call our 24/7 prayer line at 888-665-4483.
With Your Best Gift
When you give this month, let us send you The Dashing Dish "Health You" 2025 Calendar! This health-filled 9x12 calendar includes 12 of our favorite Dashing Dish recipes to nourish your body, 4 additional Bonus recipes, 12 Scriptures to strengthen your spirit, and Meal Prep Ideas to inspire your mind, and make lunch prep easy! Discover inspiration for your health journey as you view mouthwatering, no-guilt recipes from Katie Farrell. Request your copy as a Thank You when you give today!
Let us stand with you in prayer!
Prayer is one of the most important tools in our arsenal as Christians. We would love the opportunity to pray for your needs. Whatever is on your heart today, lift it up to the Lord and we will stand with you in agreement. Please fill out the form below to share your prayer request with us.
You can also reach our 24/7 prayer line any time at: