Best of Unscripted Faith – 01/04/2025 – 06:30:00
Coming up on the next Unscripted Faith! Jay and Angela sit down with Gary and Amanda Brougher to share their passion and vision for the Pittsburgh Dream Center. Plus, pastor and worship leader Aaron Rios joins the conversation to reveal how his mission is inspiring others to see following Jesus as a life-changing relationship, not…
Cowboy Dan – 01/04/2025 – 07:00:00
Cowboy Dan and his horse Biscuit show how to care for different farm animals, teaches about being kind and helping others.
Deeper Things of God – 01/04/2025 – 07:30:00
Teaching children the word of God through stories, and songs.
Slugs & Bugs – 01/04/2025 – 08:00:00
Music and stories of faith and silliness for families to sing together, laugh together, and think deeply about the meaning of life and the nature of God.
Superbook – 01/04/2025 – 08:30:00
Chris Quantum, his best friend Joy Pepper, and a robot named Gizmo are transported back in time by a mysterious device that sends them on journeys throughout the Bible.
Treasure Champs – 01/04/2025 – 09:00:00
Barry and Kari explore ‘treasures’ – like kindness, wisdom and perseverance – and what it means to live out those values.
Pennsylvania Newsmakers – 01/04/2025 – 09:30:00
Newsmakers Productions presents issues relevant to viewers throughout Pennsylvania and around the country.
At Home w/Arlene – 01/04/2025 – 10:00:00
Cream of cauliflower soup, chicken and dumpling soup (cornmeal dumplings), tomato soup.
sister2sister – 01/04/2025 – 10:30:00
Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: What does the Bible mean by the woman being man’s “helper?” What do you do when you want to be MORE than friends? And… what are the warning flags in a relationship? All that and more on the next Sister 2 Sister!
First Love: Part 1 – 01/04/2025 – 00:00:00
First Love examines the life and music of the people who birthed the sounds of a revolution that swept American culture that became known as the Jesus Movement