Origins – 01/02/2024 – 02:00:00
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Spike Psarris for, “Our Created Solar System pt.2.” When we look at our solar system what do we see? We see design and order, not random chance processes. Join us for a tour of some of the moons and smaller bodies within our Solar System using stunning…
Living Room Concert Series – 01/02/2024 – 02:30:00
Chris and Jenna Badeker, who make up Wild Harbors, have a mix of folk, pop, & rock in their music, and each song tells a story in this living room concert.
Leading the Way w/Michael Youssef – 01/02/2024 – 03:30:00
With Michael Youssef from Atlanta, GA.
Robert Jeffress – 01/02/2024 – 04:30:00
Dr. Jeffress teaches how to walk in the newness of life through practical application of God’s Word to everyday life, while also reaching out to those who do not know Christ as their savior.
Bible Discovery – 01/02/2024 – 05:00:00
Hosted by the Hembree family,this thirty minute daily devotional show that will change the way you see and read the Bible.
The Jewish Jesus – 01/02/2024 – 05:30:00
Messianic Rabbi Schneider: A Spirit-filled Jewish believer in Jesus who helps us connect the Old and New Testaments.
Through the Bible w/Les Feldick – 01/02/2024 – 06:00:00
Les Feldick takes viewers through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Today with Marilyn and Sarah – 01/02/2024 – 06:30:00
The gospel of Jesus Christ is taught by Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling.
Gospel Truth w/Andrew Womack – 01/02/2024 – 07:00:00
Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple.