What would you say to folks who say, “Oh my goodness, healthy cooking is too hard … where do I even start?”
K: I would say that’s a pretty common thought. Because of the culture around dieting, it has portrayed some negative thinking, like ‘It’s expensive; it’s difficult; it doesn’t taste good,’ but in reality, I believe that God has designed so many foods that not only nourish our body, but are so enjoyable. We just have to learn how to discover those foods in a new way. So for example, I’ll take old-fashioned whole grain oats, and I’ll put it into a recipe where I’m making brownies with it. There are so many ways we can make healthy food that isn’t the traditional health food. It’s really about finding alternatives and finding a healthy spin on our favorites.
What was your favorite guilty pleasure before eating healthy, and how have you adjusted it?
K: My personal favorites are going to be things I ate growing up. One of my favorite dishes that my mom made was lasagna. I put a healthy spin on it by making the noodles out of zucchini. And then making a meat sauce which includes some hidden veggies in it. It is so comforting! It’s like soul food to me, but in a healthier way. Lasagna is actually one of the very first recipes I made for Dashing Dish, and it’s still one of my favorites!
And what about Maddie? We love seeing her in the kitchen with you! Does she have a favorite dish she likes to eat or make with you?
K: I think her favorite thing to make are my animal cracker cookies. It’s a very simple cookie dough we make together. The recipe is on Dashing Dish, and it’s fun because she can cut it into any shape she likes, and of course add some sprinkles!
Lastly, how did you and your family sustain hope during COVID-19?
My husband and I both work from home, so there weren’t a lot of major schedule changes; however, there was definitely a temptation to fear the future. We remembered though that we still have the option to choose. We can choose to walk in fear, or we can choose to trust God as our protector and provider, even in the midst of the unknown. So that’s what Sean and I decided … that even if we don’t know what the future holds for our nation … for our world … and even with the things going on right next door, or close to us … even when things seem unstable and unsure … we have a God who never changes. We decided at the very beginning that we were going to put our trust in God no matter what. We have found that we are really at peace. The Bible talks about a peace that passes all understanding. Regardless of what’s going on, we’ve been able to have this peace because of the Lord, and also just a firm foundation. The Bible talks about how God is our rock. We’ve been able to attest to how that’s so true. When the whole world is crumbling around you, and when you make God your trust, He truly is a rock. He’s steady, sure, and solid!