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Sister 2 Sister

Sister 2 Sister

Wednesdays @ 2pm & 9pm/ET

Saturdays @ 10:30am/ET

Join our “sisters” as they talk real life from a biblical perspective.  From marriage to child-rearing– even politics — nothing is off limits to these ladies.  Among the five Sister 2 Sister co-hosts, you will find an attorney (Roxanne), a pastor (Amy), a missionary (Flo), a young mom (Corri), and a moderator (Kathy Svilar, the cheerleader of the group).  These “sisters” are prone to “agree to disagree,” but they always walk away loving each other … Ultimately, they have the same core values and the same commitment to the Lord.  Their example encourages viewers to re-examine the tough issues of life. 

Here’s what viewers are saying: 

  • “Keep it coming – it was very entertaining!”  
  • “Enjoyed last evening’s show.  Forced husband to watch also!” 
  • “I just so happened to turn my tv on this morning, and it was tuned in to this station.  I was ministered to by you ladies right through the tv.  I have been struggling with Love, trying to fill it in so many different ways with this and that … Leaving myself feeling empty, disappointed, and unfulfilled. I just thank you … This encouraging word today truly is where I’m at and what I need to receive into heart … Thank you.”

Recent Episodes

Sister 2 Sister: Hard biblical truths...we don't understand or like!

2:00 PM - 30 minutes

March 26, 2025

Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: Psalms 139 says: we are fearfully and wonderfully made? But what does that mean?! The bible says I need to put God first but how does that play out in my relationships when my spouse doesn’t understand that concept? And… What does being created in...

Sister 2 Sister: It's all about the kids! HELP!

2:00 PM - 30 minutes

March 19, 2025

Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: What should I never say to my kid? How do you connect with your kids when they want nothing to do with you?! And… is spanking, OK? All that and more on Sister 2 Sister!

Sister 2 Sister: Pushing my buttons

2:00 PM - 30 minutes

March 12, 2025

Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: what I do about those people that push my buttons?! My mother-in-law thinks I’m lying about my gluten allergy, what can I do to convince her without causing a family feud? And… my husband hurt me and I am finding it hard to forgive, what...

sister 2 sister: Covering my sins!

2:00 PM - 30 minutes

March 05, 2025

Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: Can I hide my sin from God? Is it my job to call out sins in others? And… is it a sin to sneak snacks into the movies? All that and more on Sister 2 Sister.

sister 2 sister: Learning from my mistakes...

2:00 PM - 30 minutes

February 26, 2025

Join the sisters of Sister 2 Sister when we ask: What lessons are the most important to teach the next generation of women? What have you learned from your past mistakes? And… Does God get angry with us? All that and more on Sister 2 Sister.

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